The Father's House TC is a non-denominational community of believers in Jensen Beach, Florida passionate to reveal and demonstrate the heart of the Father to His sons and daughters.


To be a house of God’s presence where non-religious and unchurched people would love to come. 


To reveal and demonstrate the heart of the Father to His sons and daughters.


  • Vision

    Re-imagine [to re-think, imagine again or anew] “church” and build a “house of God,” a vibrant, organic, Spirit-led “community of believers” walking and living in the power of Biblical Covenant. Where each person is valued and celebrated, and every gathering is focused on both corporate and individual experience, connection and encounter with the love of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Focus

    Though we are part of what is called today "the Church," we are not "a church."  The "Church" is not a building.  The believers were God's "Ecclesia," His called-out ones, a covenant community of believers.

  • Honor

    The New Testament "Church" was a Covenant Community of believers who "continued steadfastly in the apostle's teaching, in fellowship, in sharing of meals, and in prayer."  

    When in Covenant relationship with one another, a culture of honor, respect, and value for the other and their giftings in Lord flow naturally in the relationship[s]. They had strong fellowship [Koinonia], which is a unity brought about by the Holy Spirit. Koinonia cements the believers to the Lord AND to each other. Fellowship is a necessity in a covenant community.

  • Corporate Growth

    Within Biblical structure and leadership which is called to cover and love, TFH’s passion is to equip and raise up sons and daughters to fulfill their purposed destiny, and provide a culture where they can grow, be equipped and used by God, in our gatherings and in the sphere in which they live and work.

  • Empowerment

    TFH’s “mission field” is where YOU are. Therefore, we’re unbound by four walls. Every believer has giftings, callings and the ability to be led by the Holy Spirit in their workplace, with friends and family, and wherever they go. We can share a word of hope, pray for someone’s needs, or speak a prophetic word of wisdom or knowledge that can radically transform someone’s life.

  • Action

    The need for Godly, righteous, wise, valiant men as earthly and spiritual fathers has never been more real. We will always seek to demonstrate the love and character of Jesus and the heart of the Father so people can come to know the real God through our lives and example, and pass this on to their families and the next generations.

  • God-Pleasers

    We are Faith-filled, Big-thinking, Step-Out-of-the-Boat Risk Takers, who don’t want to slight God with small thinking and safe living.

  • Risk-Taking

    We will try new things. And if we don’t fail every now and then, we’re playing it way too safe.

  • Courageous

    Jesus said, “I will build My community, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” We will not shrink back but move ahead against all obstacles and obey the voice of the Lord and BUILD. As the people of God, we seek to advance the Kingdom of God and influence our community, city, state and nation as we walk in righteousness upholding Godly standards of character and integrity in our personal lives, families, and church.

  • Value

    We are not in competition with other churches, but will value and respect their ministry and calling, and serve them whenever and however possible. We desire to be a gift of blessing and service to other churches whenever possible.